It seems as if with each passing year, the Christmas decorations just keep appearing sooner than we expect them to. Or perhaps the real truth is that we are so busy managing work, family and social lives that we fail to realize Christmas season has already set in.

Regardless of what may be the case, you surely debate internally each year over appropriate times of putting up and taking down your tree. Back in the days of real trees, the idea was to put up a tree very close to thanksgiving or the first advent, so that it lasted till Christmas Day.

But now that we have the prelit varieties, it can be trifling confusing to ascertain the best times of putting up and removing the prelit tree. We’re here to guide you and this year, your Prelit Christmas tree timings will be on point we promise.

Putting Up Your Prelit Christmas Tree

For the majority, it has become customary to put up the prelit tree in their homes at the end of November, just after thanksgiving. For those who typically follow the Christian faith, the official beginning of the season is the first advent every year.

So here, your traditional or religious belief should determine the best time to put up your tree. If you prefer keeping family traditions alive, then you could put up your tree just when your grandparents would. Was that at the end of Thanksgiving celebration? Then ensure you have your prelit tree ready to sit in its place when the time rolls by.

However, are you a staunch Christian? Then perhaps choosing the first advent to put up your prelit tree would be a great idea too. The beauty of this season is that everyone can own it in their own way. Nothing determines the right or wrong time, because who can ever fail to feel delighted at the sight of a tree going up?

It’s only the idea of honoring tradition and religious ceremonies, for which you can choose a time accordingly.


Taking Your Prelit Tree down

As for taking down the Christmas tree, this too depends on your religious or traditional beliefs. According to the Christian faith, the Christmas season officially comes to an end on the Epiphany, marking the feast of the Three Kings.

The Christian community observes this feast on the sixth of January, twelve days after Christmas. So if you prefer to align putting and removing your Christmas decorations as per your faith, then 6th January is the ideal day.

However, traditions choose their own path and many families remove their prelit trees and decoration as time permits. Perhaps the greatest factor here is convenience. The Christmas holiday season is an exceptionally busy one for most. With all the gatherings and celebrations, it could be hard to find time to carefully dissemble the tree, wrap the ornaments and put the cartons away.

If you find time for it sooner before the Three Kings feast, there’s no reason why you should stall the process. But if you want to follow the religious customs, then you can thank your prelit tree for shining beautifully throughout the Christmas season.  Then take it down gently on 6th January, put it back in its carton and store it safely away!