Understanding Flocked Christmas Trees: A Complete Guide
Flocked Christmas trees are beautiful. The white flocking on these trees are going to be something that makes it feel like winter right in your home. However, one of the main questions that people have when it comes to flocked Christmas trees is whether you need to take special care with these trees to ensure that the flocking always looks great?
The problem is that when flocked Christmas trees first came onto the scene, many people found that after a few years, the flocking on this often turned yellow. This resulted in people trying to do some DIY fixes like spray painting the yellowed flocking, or even sprinkling this with white glitter. Other people simply threw this out and went with a non flocked Christmas trees in the future. The good news is that now, these flocked Christmas trees are made with better quality products that are going to last longer. We know what went wrong years ago, and have made adjustments to make these trees last for many years to come.

Flocked vs. Unflocked Trees: Which One Should You Choose?
With this being said, those who are opting to go with flocked Christmas trees are going to find that after they are done with this during the holiday season, they do need to make sure that they are taking the right precautions to store this so that the tree is not being damaged. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Make sure that you are not going to be storing this tree in a location that has temperatures that greatly vary. You do not want any artificial tree to be stored where it is extremely hot or where it is extremely cold. While you can store the tree in the cold, the difference in the temps is what can cause damage to the tree.
2. Always cover the tree when storing this. It is leaving this out all year long with this flocking seeing dust and other debris that can cause this to become discolored. You need to properly pack this in the original box or purchase a tree bag that is meant to store this.
3. Never use any type of chemical on this to clean the tree. Chemicals can change the color of the flocking. You can dust the tree with a clean rag if needed, but remember that as long as you are storing this properly, you should not have as much of an issue.