Face it, there’s so much fun in styling a home. If you’ve ever had to hang down ornaments and set up for Christmas, then you’d have a clue.

Choosing and styling artificial trees are some of the highlights of Christmas. But the struggle begins at Choosing.

Everyone has an idea of the best decor, but not everyone knows the tips for choosing. Selecting the perfect artificial Christmas tree goes way beyond hitting the market. You need the cash, you also need the hack.

While you may think the 6-foot artificial Christmas tree is the best for your space, you may just be missing some steps.

Wondering which tree size works perfectly for your home during Christmas? Keep scrolling. You’ll find all you need to know within scrolls:

STEP 1: Get your tools for measuring

Before all else, get your tools set. Measuring will help you know just what you need, and if your desired 6-foot artificial Christmas tree will fit your space.

You’ll need a pen, measuring tapes, a paper and stepladder.


STEP 2: Approximate your ceiling’s height (using the ladder) and make a 6-inch deduction.

A good way to get an ideal height is to measure distance from ceiling to floor. Deduct 6 inches from the number and get a maximum height.

STEP 3: Get a total measurement of your display area

Measure the space you wish to set up your tree and subtract a foot—this is simply for clearance. While at it, ensure to cover the length of your floor area and subtract a foot.

STEP 4. Round off

Now is the time to get a total figure. Multiply width by length and you have the overall square footage of your floor area.